OriginalityAi: The ultimate content integrity tool for web publishers

Originality.AI is a powerful business tool designed for Website Owners, Content Marketers, Writers, Publishers, and Copy Editors to ensure integrity in their content publishing. With a strong focus on Web Publishers, Originality.AI offers accurate AI content detection features such as AI Plagiarism Checker, Fact Checker, and Readability Checker. By utilizing the tool, businesses can guarantee that their content is original, factually correct, and free from AI generated text.
For Content Marketing Agencies, Originality.AI allows for the management of large teams and verification of high volumes of content to ensure it is not AI generated or plagiarized. The tool helps agencies demonstrate to clients that their content is original, factual, and written by human writers. Additionally, Originality.AI aids agencies in maintaining control over their editorial process and enhancing the quality of content produced for clients.
Writers can benefit from Originality.AI by ensuring that their content is free from false positives generated by AI detectors. The tool provides confidence to both writers and clients through accurate content detection, report sharing, and visualizing the writing process. Originality.AI also provides a readability checker to help optimize content for better ranking on search engines.
Key features of Originality.AI include accurate AI detection, best-in-class plagiarism checking, automated fact checking aid, team management capabilities, and a readability score checker. The tool also offers multilanguage AI detection for global content analysis in 15 different languages.
Overall, Originality.AI is a comprehensive content creation quality control tool that provides accurate detection of AI-generated content, plagiarism, and factual errors. By using Originality.AI, businesses can ensure the integrity of their content and avoid potential penalties from search engines. Sign up today to enhance your content publishing process and maintain trust with your audience.
OriginalityAi – Features

Accurate AI content detection with 99% accuracy
Plagiarism checking with best-in-class accuracy
Fact checking aid to reduce publishing incorrect information
Team management for adding and removing team members
AI content detector API for integration
Readability score checker for ranking in Google
Multilanguage AI detection for global content analysis
User-friendly interface with easy-to-understand results

OriginalityAi – Pricing
OriginalityAi offers a pay-as-you-go plan for $30 with 3000 credits and a base subscription plan for $14.95 per month with 2000 credits. Both plans include AI scan, plagiarism check, readability check, and other features with different expiry dates and additional options.
Visit originality.ai for more.
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