How to know if your next business idea is a winner

So, how do you know if your new business idea has the potential to succeed?

One way to get a very good steer in the right direction, is to share the idea with a select group of people before you launch it. These should be people you trust, and whose opinion you value. They should also be the kind of people your product or service is aimed at.

Then, observe what happens

– If those people tell their friends about your idea, or ask if they can get involved in your idea, you could have a success on your hands.

– If those people smile, tell you your idea is great, nod their heads in all the right places, but don’t tell their friends, or don’t ask if they can get involved in it, you probably need to improve the idea or ditch it.

In business, when you want to know what someone really thinks, focus your attention on what they do. Actions not only speak louder than words, they speak the truth.
How to know if your next business idea is a winner was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim's Marketing Blog