Korbit: Elevate your code with automated PR reviews

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Korbit is a revolutionary GenAI PR Reviewer tool designed specifically for GitHub. This automated tool is tailored to provide instant PR code reviews, detecting issues and offering actionable feedback to developers in just a matter of minutes. By seamlessly integrating into the GitHub PR workflow, Korbit enhances team productivity by streamlining the development process and providing valuable insights into code quality, project status, and developer performance.
With Korbit, developers can expect to write better code faster, as the tool not only identifies issues but also guides them through resolution with interactive explanations and recommendations. By improving overall code quality and consistency, Korbit helps increase developer productivity and allows senior engineers to focus on more strategic projects. The tool also offers visibility into project status and team performance through detailed reports on detected and resolved issues by project and developer.
Moreover, Korbit promotes continuous learning among developers by providing interactive explanations, advice, and suggestions within the PR itself. By reducing bugs and repeat incidents through increased team skills and capabilities, Korbit ensures that developers are continuously improving their coding skills. With real-time responses to questions and comments in the PR, Korbit empowers developers to make informed decisions and stay on schedule and within budget.
If you are ready to experience a massive productivity boost and revolutionize your software development process, consider starting your free trial with Korbit today. Join the GenAI software development revolution and elevate your code with Korbit’s automated PR Reviews.
Korbit – Features

Automated PR Reviews
Instant PR Code Reviews
Smooth GitHub Integration
Helpful Team Insights
Boost Productivity & Elevate Code Speed
Actionable insights for team performance
Continuous upskilling for developers
Real-time responses in PRs

Korbit – Pricing
Korbit offers two pricing plans: Starter (free) and Pro ($24/user/month). Starter includes full features, 3 users on 1 repo, PR reviews, secure data, and a dashboard. Pro includes unlimited repos and users, dedicated support, and optional configuration session.
Visit korbit.ai for more.
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