Morale-Boosting Tips to Keep Your Team Motivated

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Keep your team’s spirits high.

Employee morale is a critical factor in the success of any small business, especially when it comes to hourly workers. These employees often form the backbone of your operation, interacting directly with customers and ensuring that daily tasks are completed efficiently. Keeping your team engaged and motivated comes with its share of challenges.

When hourly workers feel disconnected from a company’s mission, undervalued, or lacking in growth opportunities, the results can be costly to your bottom line – with lost productivity and performance, and a constant revolving door. By prioritizing your team’s happiness and well-being, you lay the foundation for an unstoppable team that wants to come to work and a thriving business.

Create a fulfilling place to work.

The key to boosting morale and retaining your hourly workers lies in creating a workplace that fosters a sense of belonging, value, and purpose. According to the 2024 Homebase Small Business Team Fulfillment Index , fulfillment is less about money and more about strong relationships, meaningful work, and community impact.

In the fierce competition for hourly talent, relationships emerge as the ultimate trump card. A staggering 62% of owners and 64% of hourly workers prioritized “relationships with coworkers” as the top factor for job satisfaction, even surpassing competitive wages. This underscores the critical importance of nurturing robust, supportive bonds within your small business team. Foster these connections by providing ample opportunities for collaboration, teamwork, and social interaction through activities like team-building exercises, group projects, shared meals, and celebrations.

When local teams feel like they’re contributing to something greater than just earning a paycheck, the results can be transformative. 83% of owners and 60% of workers feel they’re making a real difference in their communities, according to our survey. To tap into this powerful sense of purpose, clearly communicate your company’s mission and values, demonstrating how each team member’s role contributes to these overarching goals. 

A little recognition goes a long way.

At Homebase, we know that recognizing and rewarding your team’s exceptional performance is a surefire way to boost morale and keep your best employees around for the long haul. When hourly workers feel truly appreciated for their hard work and dedication, they’re more likely to find satisfaction in their jobs and stay committed for the long haul.

With our everything app for hourly work, we’ve made it super easy to give props to your team members who go above and beyond with our Shout Out feature. Whether they provided outstanding customer service, tackled extra responsibilities like a champ, or consistently crushed their goals, a quick Shout Out is the perfect way to show your appreciation. Your team can also send a Shout Out to recognize their coworker’s efforts, too. 

86% of hourly workers say they enjoy their jobs more when they feel recognized, but only 66% actually received a compliment in the past year.  It’s a huge opportunity that makes a big difference in your team’s happiness and engagement.

Unlock the power of communication. 

In Wexford, Pennsylvania, Dots and Doodles Art Studio Owner Laura Hilger and her family know the power of communication. With a team that juggles art workshops, pottery parties, and summer camps around school schedules, extracurriculars and social lives, Laura relies on the everything app to keep her team in sync.

Messaging in Homebase has proven invaluable for keeping the team informed and connected, whether it’s announcing a staff meeting or sharing fun updates. “I send messages through it a lot,” Laura says. From swapping shifts to tie-dye party announcements, Homebase keeps everyone in the loop. 

With our team communication feature, you can:

Collect feedback from employees at the end of every shift.

Get automated reports on employee sentiment and understand trends over time.

Stay connected with your whole team with our built-in messenger—even when you aren’t there in

An open line of communication keeps everyone informed but also lets them feel more involved in the day-to-day operations. 

The app also makes it super simple to celebrate a team member’s birthday, share the good news of a business milestone, or simply chat casually on a Friday afternoon. These seemingly small interactions build a sense of belonging and boost morale. 

Room to grow and flourish.

Laura knows the impact of creating a place where her team can grow and develop.  She empowers her team to own their role in making the studio a happy place to be. “Everyone is happy to be there. It’s a happy place to work, which is really fun,” Laura beams. Her team is genuinely invested in the studio’s mission to make people feel good about themselves and proud of their creative masterpieces.  

78% of workers said they’re personally invested in their company’s success, and nearly half (47%) want to be involved in the decision-making process, our research reveals.

Cross-training and skill-sharing allows your team to level up their skills and knowledge together fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.  Delegate tasks and projects that allow them to showcase their skills and leadership potential. 

Doing so has paid off for Laura. “I think I’m most proud when I see people succeeding in their roles and them being proud of themselves,” she shares. “The more confidence you have in them, the better they’ll succeed.”

By providing growth opportunities, you’re showing your team that you’re all-in on their long-term success and value their contributions to your business.

Give them what they crave.

86% of hourly workers are craving more flexibility and on-demand pay, according to our April survey. With Homebase, you can give them both. 

Your team can input the days they can’t work, pick up a last minute shift, and swap shifts when something comes up  while you focus on more important things like growing the business. 

With Homebase, your team can access their wages early to handle emergency expenses without breaking a sweat. Say goodbye to overdraft fees and payday loans for your team. They can cash out before payday without any interest charges, credit checks, or late fees. It’s a game-changer!

With Pay Any Day , your employees can access up to 100% of their wages as soon as they clock out. Already using Homebase for payroll? You can unlock this exclusive perk for your team without lifting a finger. No sneaky fees, no interest charges. All they need to do is switch their direct deposit to Homebase. Instant access to their money, anytime, anywhere.

Cash Out gives your team a quick cash boost. After connecting their bank account, your employees get instant access up to $500 for a small fee, or free delivery within 3 business days. The best part? You don’t have to do a thing.

With either option, your team gets instant access to earned wages before payday and you get help attracting and retaining the best workers. Win-win.

Happy workers. Thriving business.

From creating a fulfilling workplace where everyone feels valued to offering flexible perks and growth opportunities, you’ve got what it takes to create a thriving workplace and  happy team.

You don’t have to go it alone. Our everything app for hourly workers is packed with features designed to make your life easier and your team happier. With Shout Outs, flexible pay options, and team communication tools, it’s a breeze to support your team and keep them engaged for the long run. 

Unlock your team’s potential with Homebase and watch your business soar with an unstoppable team behind it.

Run a better team with smarter scheduling.
Optimize your schedule and keep your team in sync with Homebase.

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