Let’s Talk: Growth hacking strategies to skyrocket user base and revenue

In today’s cutthroat business world, exploding your user base and skyrocketing revenue is every entrepreneur’s dream. That’s where growth hacking comes in. 

These unconventional, yet highly effective, strategies can be your secret weapon for achieving massive growth in record time. This week’s Let’s Talk dives deep into the world of growth hacking. Our experts will unveil some of the most powerful techniques businesses and our clients have used in the past year to smash their growth goals. 

Get ready to discover hacks that will supercharge your user acquisition, engagement, and revenue – fast!

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Matt Loop, VP and Head of Asia at Rippling

Matt Loop , VP and Head of Asia at Rippling

“Investment has always been the cornerstone of growth, whether in training, personnel or technology. But the rapid pace of change we are experiencing in 2024 underscores the importance of investing now to avoid being left behind.

“In today’s challenging economic climate where budgets are increasingly squeezed, it is imperative for business leaders to make prudent decisions. A surefire way to boost workforce effectiveness is by fostering productivity improvements. By automating repetitive administrative tasks like data input, scheduling, and generating reports, leaders can empower their teams to concentrate on more strategic and higher value tasks, thereby facilitating growth.

“Harnessing the power of data analytics is also paramount  for strategic decision-making. Adopting a unified system that efficiently gathers and disseminates data across various platforms is key to unlocking these insights. This capability empowers organisations to forecast challenges and adopt a strategy conducive for growth, positioning them not only to withstand competition, but to excel and flourish in the market.”

Nathan Schokker, Founder of MODC Digital Business Cards

Nathan Schokker , Founder of MODC Digital Business Cards

“For anything in the B2B world, LinkedIn is now your best friend! Whether growth is sales, network, reach, LinkedIn can get you the growth you want through clarity of target and consistency. It won’t immediately feel like the greatest “hack” ever, yet it’ll continue to reward you time after time after time.

“Being the typical time poor, multi hat wearing startup founders (with no sales focused team members), our growth is self reliant, and with a consistent daily use and outreach through LinkedIn, has helped refine our targets and accelerated growth. It can only cost you a small amount of time, and if you’re smart, you can be constantly testing and tweaking messaging and delivery to amplify your growth. Strap in and let’s go!”

Jenny Li, Partner at Scalare Partners

Jenny Li , Partner at Scalare Partners

“At Scalare Partners, one of our best growth hacks involved developing a strong idea of our target clients’ defining characteristics. Using this, we then sourced partnerships that catered to this specific client profile, and have been able to gain access to founders who fit our key characteristics of being eager to learn, collaborate, and receive mentorship.

“This has provided two key opportunities: participating in workshops and events through our partnerships, which gives us exposure to a targeted group of potential clients, and offering mentorship services such as tailored advice to multiple businesses simultaneously. This approach not only required minimal time and financial investment but also fostered warm, meaningful interactions that led to higher conversion rates compared to traditional marketing campaigns.

“Networking enhanced this method’s scalability, as satisfied clients referred others within their community, ensuring sustained growth. This growth hack’s success highlighted the importance of understanding client profiles, forming strategic partnerships, and delivering exceptional services for long-term success.”

Nina Thomas, Founder & Director at Harmonic Advisory

Nina Thomas , Founder & Director at Harmonic Advisory

“Tailor your message to key market indicators and make it relevant to decision makers. This might be finding opportunities for growth in a period of market uncertainty; generating successful outcomes and momentum in key projects; or generating growth by finessing your go-to-market strategy.

“We’ve done this for our business and our clients, and it’s resulted in our best year ever, while our clients across the board have experienced phenomenal growth and market engagement.

“The key is not to try and do this on your own. It’s just too hard and too slow. You need to engage good advisors who can help you see through the noise and where your current strategy is holding you back.

“For our business, it was to recognise saying we were a communications advisory business was holding us back. Once we started to showcase the growth and commercial outcomes we achieved for clients, everything changed. This is because these are top priorities for business leaders and they generate revenue. And that’s critical at the moment.”

Pamela Jabbour, CEO & Founder at Total Image Group

Pamela Jabbour , CEO & Founder at Total Image Group

“The best growth hack I’ve experienced in the past year wasn’t a conventional marketing strategy or a digital campaign. Instead, it was an opportunity that emerged from stepping out of my comfort zone and seizing a chance to present Total Image Group (TIG) to a room full of influential figures from some of Australia’s top companies across various sectors.

“It all started when I joined Apropela, an organisation dedicated to empowering ambitious women entrepreneurs by facilitating connections within influential business networks. Little did I know that this decision would lead to a pivotal moment for TIG’s growth.

“I was invited to speak on behalf of TIG, delivering a 7-minute elevator pitch to a crowd of seasoned entrepreneurs. The prospect was nerve-wracking, to say the least. However, after months of prep, a few sleepless nights and battling my nerves, I took the stage.

“To my surprise, the pitch was incredibly well-received, and the impact was immediate. The engagement from the audience translated into a flood of leads for TIG. It was a profound realization that sometimes the most effective growth strategies stem from direct, human connection.

“This experience taught me a crucial lesson: the power of networking and referrals. Connections matter!  When recommended by a trusted source, your chances of success automatically increase and you have a higher close rate compared to cold leads.

“So, my advice to fellow business owners is straightforward: prioritise building networks and connections. It’s not just about what you know, but more importantly, who you know. Actively seeking out and nurturing relationships within your industry is undoubtedly a powerful strategy for growth.”

Amber Daines, Founder and Chief Communicator at Bespoke Co.