Aveksana: Research made easy

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Aveksana is a cutting-edge business tool designed to help researchers and business managers overcome the challenges of slow-paced and complex research processes. With the ability to uncover unique topics, identify research gaps, and access curated reading materials, Aveksana streamlines the research proposal creation process, allowing users to have their proposals ready in just one week.
By utilizing advanced algorithms, Aveksana enables users to select a topic within 60 seconds, assess the exploration level of their chosen topic, and finish their proposal within 7 days. The tool also provides a research gap score for the chosen topic, offering a quantifiable measure of potential impact and streamlining decision-making for researchers.
Additionally, Aveksana assists users in generating a tailored list of research materials for their topics, reducing the time spent searching for literature and ensuring access to high-quality references. The tool also features a proposal builder that helps craft compelling research proposals efficiently, addressing tight deadlines and allowing users to focus on their research and academic goals.
Aveksana offers personalized research topics developed with data from the academic world, curated research contents for quick access to necessary reading materials, and tools to make the writing process more efficient. By creating a seamless and productive research experience, Aveksana empowers researchers and business managers to enhance the impact and relevance of their academic work.
Aveksana – Features

Select a topic in 60 seconds
Identify and quantify research gaps
Receive curated list of research materials
Build thesis proposal in just one week
Personalized research topics
Curated research contents
Tools for efficient writing
Simple and user-friendly interface for easy navigation

Aveksana – Pricing
Aveksana offers weekly and monthly pricing plans for research proposal crafting with options like Topic Formulation for 45$/13.5$ per week, Explorer for 135$/40.5$ per week, and Pioneer available upon discussion. Plans include features like topic formulation, refining topics, recommendation suggestions, and more. Additional services include proposal writing using templates, real-time suggestions, and curated reading materials.
Visit aveksana.com for more.
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