Texas police used a monster truck to promote seat belts. It shows all that’s wrong with U.S. road safety

To learn why the United States is so abysmal at road safety, you could read through a pile of academic studies and investigations. But should you lack the time or inclination, there’s a shortcut: You can examine a single social media post from the police department of Cedar Park, Texas, an Austin suburb with around 75,000 residents.

Last Wednesday, the police department’s Twitter account shared an image that featured two police officers grinning at the camera. In the background, a lifted pickup—you might call it a monster truck—towers over them, its door handle higher than their heads. A decal on the truck’s side mentions a seat belt awareness campaign called Click It or Ticket, along with the hashtag #EndTheStreakTX. Above the picture, the Cedar Park police declare they are “proud to be part of @TxDOT annual #ClickItOrTicket Safety Campaign.”

We are proud to be part of @TxDOT annual #ClickItOrTicket Safety Campaign. Seat belts save lives. So PLEASE: Buckle up. Every rider. Every ride!

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