Social Media’s Favorite Librarian Combats Book Bans By Spreading ‘Library Joy’

Social media’s favorite librarian Mychal Threets has immersed himself in a career of book advocacy amid the decline of library funding and the banning of books that tell diverse stories.

The former Solano County, California, Library supervisor has visited at least 10 states in the last five months to serve as a panelist or keynote speaker on topics about the importance of books and their impact on young people.

“I’ve been able to just talk to library kids, talk to library grown-ups and remind them to be their best weird selves and it’s OK to not be OK,” Threets t old NBC News.

Threets made it his mission to advocate for books after he left his job in March to focus on his mental health. He was dealing with bouts of anxiety and depression after amassing over one million followers on Instagram and TikTok and dealing with comments from critics and trolls.

@mychal3ts We can get to “okay” together! 
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