USF policy committee approves Rs4.7bn Q4 budget for company

May 25, 2024 (MLN):  The Universal Service Fund (USF) Policy Committee, in its 49th meeting held yesterday, approved the release of the 4th quarter budget amounting to Rs4.7 billion to the USF Company.
The meeting was presided over by Minister of State for IT and Telecommunication Shaza Fatima Khawaja along with Secretary IT Captain (Retd) Muhammad Mahmood.
During the meeting, the chair was briefed about the ongoing projects of USF.
The committee was apprised that the presently total ongoing projects of USF are 33 including 23 of 4G and 10 Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) projects.
The Committee further approved releasing the 4th quarter budget of Rs318.88 million to the Ignite.
During the meeting, Ignite authorities briefed the meeting about the ongoing and future programs of Ignite.
Minister of State for IT Shaza Fatima gave direction for utilizing funds and completing the projects within the timeline.
Copyright  Mettis Link News
Posted on: 2024-05-25T14:26:02+05:00
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