Edward Freeman Selected to Receive Eminent Scholar of the Year Award at AIB 2024 Seoul

We are pleased to announce that Edward Freeman has been selected as 2024’s John Fayerweather Eminent Scholar of the Year by the Fellows of the Academy of International Business (AIB) . This distinguished honor will be conferred on Professor Freeman at the AIB annual international conference in Seoul, South Korea  in a special panel session.
On behalf of myself, the AIB Fellows, and the award’s nominating committee—Dan Li (Chair), Ruth Aguilera, Anthony Goerzen, David Griffith, Jane Lu, and Elizabeth Rose—please join us in congratulating Professor Freeman on his selection for this well-deserved honor.
Tamer Cavusgil, Dean of the AIB Fellows
About Edward Freeman
Dr. Edward Freeman is the University Professor and Olsson Professor of Business Administration, and an academic director of the Institute for Business in Society at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia.
Renowned for his influential contributions to stakeholder theory and business ethics, Dr. Freeman is best known for his award-winning book Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach (Cambridge, 2010), originally published in 1984. His remarkable academic output includes editorship or authorship of over 100 volumes and 200 articles, and a Google Scholar Citation count of over 138,000 as of November 2023. With a career spanning several decades, Dr. Freeman has significantly shaped contemporary management thinking by highlighting the pivotal role that diverse stakeholders play in organizational decision-making. His impact on the international business literature is profound, fostering a holistic view of business transcending borders and cultures and promoting a more sustainable and responsible approach to international business.
We congratulate Dr. Freeman and look forward to celebrating his achievements at the AIB annual meeting in Seoul, South Korea this coming July.

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