How Internal Comms Pros Overcome Common Challenges in Advising Leaders on Big Issues

One of the most challenging parts of the communicator’s job today is how to help leaders wisely respond when issues arise. Often, leaders are cautious about communicating in difficult moments and may not understand why their employees need to hear from them.
The list of potential topics is endless – ethics scandals, layoffs, world conflicts, a pandemic, climate concerns, and more.
Pivotal research – including some of our recent studies with The Harris Poll – shows that silence often backfires, leading to employee disengagement, a lack of trust in leadership, and worse, distraction and business slowdown.
Given this, it’s important to know how to strategically advise leaders on what to do and how to do it well.
The core principle – and our central belief – is to recognize that employees need to know and experience that their leaders genuinely care about them, especially in the moments that matter most.
Advising Leaders Through 6 Common Challenges
The following solutions to common challenges will help communication pros build the knowledge to confidently advise their leaders with proven best practices in our field today.

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