Effective Communication in Manufacturing (The 6 Key Steps)

The way many people work has changed dramatically in recent years, with so many more employees working online or adopting more flexible schedules. What’s often lost in the discussion of this dramatic workforce shift is the fact that workers in the manufacturing industry – a sizable part of the U.S. workforce – still feel left out of the flexible workplace transformation.
Manufacturing workers make up roughly 11% of the total output in the U.S., accounting for $2.5 trillion in 2021. The industry employs about 9% of the workforce, with 12.5 million employees, according to the U.S. Manufacturing Association . 
In manufacturing companies, plant employees are the heart of the company. They are on the front lines with the power to turn strategy into results. At the end of the day, plant employees ensure operations run smoothly, quality products are made to exact specifications, and products reach customers in time.
Persistent Disengagement Among Manufacturing Employees
Despite their key role, many manufacturing employees are disengaged. According to a recent study published by Gallup , just 25% of manufacturing employees are engaged, 8 percentage points lower than the national average for U.S. employees.
That disengagement comes at a heavy price, dragging down results for companies just as they are being challenged to become more effective and efficient than ever before. To meet rapid growth worldwide, manufacturing is looking to standardize and continuously improve operations. That type of aggressive effort naturally requires highly invested employees.
Why Better Production Floor Communication Truly Matters
Naturally, better communication is key on the path to more highly motivated and engaged employees. Yet it can be especially difficult to reach plant employees because of the natural challenges that go with the job. Employees are often not on email or smartphones, there are multiple shifts to manage throughout the day, and the plant environment is noisy, making it a huge feat to even have one-on-one conversations.