how do you decide whether or not to relocate for a job?

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager .
It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes:
I am currently in a position where I am content, but I keep my LinkedIn to “open” because, well, why not? Recently I was contacted by a recruiter for a position I’m interested in but I’m not sure about the location. It would require a move to a much higher cost of living area (central Virginia to northern Virginia — seriously, the housing costs are 50% higher). I did consider that when stating salary requirements so I may have priced myself out (I am unconcerned with this; it’s what I’d need to even consider the move.)
My question is, how does someone make the decision to uproot their family? We’d be about the same distance away from my mom, but would leave other family members behind. My husband would have to find a new job, my son would have to switch schools and lose some support systems. For others who have done this, what do you consider in making such a huge decision? I don’t even know where one would start.
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