Building a Learning Hub for Responsible AI in Your Organization

Welcome to our post on how to build an AI learning hub in your organization. This is the final part of our series on building a Responsible AI Governance Policy.

Let’s jump in!
Review on Responsible AI
In any organization, it is crucial to have a policy for responsible AI. This blog post is part of a series that helps you put such a policy in place. The other parts cover:

How to Build an AI Governance Plan : An introduction to responsible AI and why you need it in your organization.
How to Identify AI Guiding Principles : Develop core principles that will guide AI usage and how you expect your team to behave with AI.
How to Choose a Governance Structure : Establishing a framework for AI governance.

Make sure to check those out if you haven’t already!


Video Transcript

Hey, everybody, thanks for tuning into the new whiteboard series from the virtual strategist. My name is Erica Olsen. I’m the CEO of OnStrategy. I’m so glad you’re here. We’re talking about building responsible AI in organizations. And this video is one of four parts that specifically helps you put a policy in place to have responsible AI.
In your org and with your team, this video is on building a learning hub as part of your responsible AI policy. The other videos covered at governance structure, super important as well as building guiding principles and to start with an overview of the whole thing. So check those out if you haven’t already.
And do not skip this one because AI. Is all about continuous learning and continuous improvement and continuous innovation. So, you know, in order to make your organization ingest AI as part of your DNA, it needs to have a hub of learning. So let’s jump into the whiteboard and talk about how to set yours up.
So setting up a learning hub has three parts. We always like three parts. It keeps it easy and simple. Uh, this whiteboard again is set up to help you facilitate a conversation with your team, um, or figure it out yourself and then talk to your team about it. But it’s really structured to, to build it with your team.
So first things first are, you know, why do we need one? Um, actually, and I think that that is important to get aligned on. So one of the things that we’ve noticed a lot when it comes to AI deployment and organizations is there’s a lot of siloed efforts and in order to move fast, and this is about moving fast, smart and fast in order to move fast, we need to stop the silos.
We got to learn from each other and we need to be intentional and prescriptive about that. We leaders need to be intentional and prescriptive about that. And again, I already said that too, because you need to iterate and learn and adapt faster. You also want to make sure that you’re on top of potential emerging risks.
So that’s another reason to kind of have a hub of coming together, uh, to make sure that you’re starting to see a risks that you might not be thinking about right now as they’re starting to pop up again, because this is such a. Such a, a new field of play, so to speak for so many organizations. Yep. I talked about preventing duplicative efforts.
We want a space for innovation, so we want to encourage innovation. And there is just so much going on and so many ideas to share. When we start to create momentum with AI, the momentum creates more momentum. And that’s really what you want. It also really helps people, uh, get out of maybe a place of feeling scared, uh, about this technology.
So. So once you agreed on the Y and it and everybody’s convinced and committed, um, it doesn’t need to be heavy. Uh, learning hubs could be asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous meaning, uh, in a virtual capacity, uh, and, and in, uh, channels, right, Slack channels, teams, channels, um, and also synchronous coming together.
So let’s talk about. And it would be important to decide where are you going to centralize, uh, the information in the learning. So a lot of organizations have SharePoint sites set up that will host your guiding principles. That will post your governance structure, post your AI committee members, and set up some thoughts and guidelines around how to eat and innovate either in a team’s channel, maybe it’s a Slack channel, or maybe it’s another set of tools that you’re using, which is where you come together, but it’s dedicated.
And then of course, how you use it is always super important. You know where the ideas go versus projects, so on and so forth. And then another thing that would be important to articulate is the idea that certain projects need to come forward to be shared, reviewed and public and learnings captured and published.
And so depending upon how the A. I. your A. I. committee that you established. Because you listen to the last video, depending upon the scope of your AI committee, that AI committee may just be a a centralizing committee to shepherd and champion AI, in which case they don’t have authority to say yes or no to projects, but rather they can.
Come together to review and pull learnings so that you’re starting to share things out into the broader org. That committee also might actually be an approval committee, in which case, maybe some projects do come forward for review. But the point on this is just to say, when you’re setting up a learning hub, consider 2 things.
One is that you’ve got asynchronous channels set up. So people can participate when they want to and how they want to, and number two, you have a live place, could be virtual, but a live place to come to, to talk about projects, review projects, and share learnings. In addition to that, it’s always helpful to set up a really simple communications matrix, so your committee, who will be shepherding, All of this knows who to communicate to and when again, we don’t need to overdo it, but we do need to be intentional.
So this is a pretty simple communications matrix where you would identify your audience, all staff, maybe when you’re going to roll out certain aspects of maybe the learning how maybe it’s guiding principles, whatever it is, what is the, the, and how, so this is the channel like how, right? And when ongoing communication, how and when, and then the preferred method, it’s covered up by my, My video, but please know this is intended to be the communication tool, right?
So if this is email, maybe it’s an all staff community, all staff meeting, maybe it’s part of the CEO weekly debrief, whatever that happens to be. So again, just listing all staff, excuse me, listing all the audiences. This is all staff is one of them, all the audiences when you’re rolling stuff out, how you’re going to communicate, communicate ongoing, and then what’s the tool that you’re going to use to execute that communication.
Again, just want to really say we don’t need to overdo it, but we do need to lightly make sure there’s clarity on how your team comes together and how your organization comes together to learn from each other so that you can iterate, learn and adapt faster. So with that, that’s the last part of putting together your responsible AI policy, and you’ll have everything you need so that AI becomes part of your organization and part of your DNA.
And you do it safely and smartly and quite frankly, have some fun with it. So with that, if you want to use our live and editable whiteboards, click on the link in the, on the screen and you’ll get access to the mural boards. Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. We’re dropping videos often about this subject and others.
Thank you so much for tuning in. Happy strategizing.

What is an AI Learning Hub? Why Do You Need One?
AI is all about continuous learning, improvement, and innovation. The entire point of AI is to help your team accelerate manual processes and improve workflows to become more efficient!
But to help your team iterate, learn, and improve AI for your team’s benefit, AI must start to be engrained in your organizational DNA. A learning hub will help kickstart this process and give your team a direct line of sight into governance. Here are the key reasons you need an AI learning hub:

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