‘Buy time’ with Australia’s top CEOs

Australian CEOs and business leaders can now be bought for a meeting.

In the world of business, time is a precious commodity. For CEOs and top executives, their time is especially valuable, as they are constantly juggling multiple responsibilities and making crucial decisions that impact their companies. As a result, it can be difficult for startups and vendors to gain access to these decision-makers and showcase their products or services. 

This is where MeetMagic comes in.  The platform offers a unique solution to the age-old problem of limited executive time and difficulty in getting products or services in front of senior decision-makers at big companies.

With MeetMagic, startups and vendors can purchase a 45-minute meeting with the relevant executive to pitch their products or services directly. This means they can make a lasting impression and get their foot in the door with decision-makers who are usually difficult to reach. This is especially valuable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who may need more resources for traditional marketing campaigns.

The platform offers a variety of executives to choose from, including (Team Global Express) CEO Christine Holgate and (Airwallex) founder Lucy Liu, with more being added regularly. For a fee starting at $1000, businesses can buy a 45-minute meeting with the executive of their choice through meetmagic.org. This price point is significantly lower than what businesses would typically spend on a marketing campaign or other traditional methods of connecting with executives.

The benefits of MeetMagic are clear for all parties involved. SMEs can gain valuable face time with executives they would otherwise struggle to connect with, executives can stay informed about new products and services, and charities can benefit from the donations generated by each meeting. The platform offers a win-win solution that disrupts traditional business networking and social responsibility approaches.

Bumble for SMEs

What sets MeetMagic apart is its commitment to social responsibility. The platform operates as a triple-win solution, as 70 per cent of the meeting fee is donated to a charity such as the Starlight Children’s Foundation or towards carbon retirement. This means that each meeting booked through MeetMagic not only benefits the business and the executive, but also contributes to a good cause.

The platform acts as a “Bumble for business people”. Meetmagic has signed up senior decision-makers at Westpac, NAB, and Macquarie Bank and became a Platinum Partner of the Starlight Children’s Foundation alongside EB Games and Virgin Airlines. The platform has raised over $1 million for Starlight within two years. 

Meetmagic plans to launch a new AI-based matching platform in the coming weeks to further increase the chances of a productive meeting for all parties involved.

Well-connected tech-industry figure Carl Gough first conceived meetmagic. In a few weeks, meetmagic will launch a new matching platform that uses cutting-edge AI. “It’s a new chapter for meetmagic,” Gough said. 

“Now the pandemic is in the rear-view mirror, the goal is to scale up massively. One day soon, I hope there will be thousands of meetmagic meetings taking place all over the world every week. That will mean meetmagic will be able to raise lots more money for charity and start having a significant global impact. It will also allow companies to meet their ESG commitments and demonstrate they are good corporate citizens at a time when many people are growing increasingly sceptical about big business.” 

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