Explore with Erawan – Introducing Digital.ai’s latest AI-Powered DevSecOps Platform: Erawan Release!

Digital.ai is excited to announce our latest AI-powered DevSecOps Platform: Erawan Release ! This release exemplifies our commitment to providing an open platform supporting initiatives tailored to your needs to deliver mobile applications at scale, govern AI-assisted development, and manage the complexities enterprise organizations need to overcome when managing software delivery across heterogenous environments.
The Erawan Release provides a robust set of new and enhanced capabilities to help you automate software delivery workflows, improve the developer experience, and optimize decision-making at all points of software delivery.

Delivering high-quality, secure mobile apps at scale: Empower mobile development and security teams to deliver software securely , enhance productivity, and reduce risk with comprehensive tools and features.
Governing AI-assisted development: Accelerate the adoption of AI-assisted development , measure productivity gains through automation and end-to-end analytics, and ensure efficient and effective project governance by enhancing flow and keeping pace with development gains.
Transitioning to the cloud in complex environments: Support developers for onboarding cloud-native applications, a growing number of cloud-native integrations, and a platform designed to meet today’s unique developer requirements.


Seamless in-app experience with embedded analytics: Empower decision-making and efficiency with seamless integration of insights and agile planning in Digital.ai Agility . No separate analytics needed, reducing costs. Access near real-time data effortlessly via favorites for quick decisions.
Direct association to and enhanced tracking of OKRs: Maximize business value and strategic alignment by directly linking epics and user stories to specific OKRs, integrating daily team efforts with overarching objectives for meaningful progress and success.
Experience a more modern user interface with Rooms 2: Elevate collaboration and performance with Agility’s latest innovation, Rooms 2, featuring a sleek user interface that simplifies planning, tracking, and day-to-day operations.
Enhanced SDLC integration from plan to execute: Improve visibility with direct access to history and commits from workitem details, maintain SDLC alignment with in-context modifications, and monitor changes effectively for improved collaboration and decision-making across the workflow.

Application Security

Integration of continuous testing and application security: Embed mobile application security, including protections against reverse engineering, into development pipelines, while automating testing to ensure comprehensive protection and functionality throughout the delivery process.
Upgraded Application Security interface: Experience a revamped interface, including the intuitive threat analytics tool App Aware , now accessible through vanity domains, enhancing accessibility and usability while providing improved graphics and filtering options for easier threat identification and response.
Improved security for iOS post-build applications: Strengthened ARM protections now offer more flexible configuration options to optimize security versus performance, dynamic checksums, string encryption, and added protection for MAUI apps, including DLL file encryption.
Easier to tune and stronger security for Android apps: Updated protections now swiftly detect the latest versions of Magisk, enhancing defense against evolving Android threat vectors. Moreover, finer-grained monitoring empowers customers to concentrate on critical threats with laser-like precision.
Support for latest encryption standards in Key and Data: Stay ahead of evolving decryption efforts with the addition of FIPS186-5, including RSA and SHA3, to our Key and Data product, providing improved white box encryption protections for sensitive encryption keys.

Continuous Testing

Embedded dashboard analytics: Unify platform functionalities with persona-based analytic dashboards, integrated in the Digital.ai Continuous Testing cloud interface that empower Cloud Administrators and Automation Managers to optimize resource allocation, streamline workflows, make data-driven decisions, and proactively identify release issues for a more reliable software development cycle.
Performance transaction analytics dashboard: Extend performance transaction testing functionality by capturing and displaying performance testing data streams, to see how see how application performance changed over the duration of the test itself. Data includes CPU, memory, and network usage, across application build versions and device types.
Application security/continuous testing integration: Integration of Continuous Testing and Application Security products eliminates the need for separate protected and unprotected application versions, ensuring that security measures are integrated into development pipelines to automate testing and embed security early in the delivery process.
Virtual device automation: Experimental capability utilizes virtual devices for iOS and Android, replicating physical device behavior to enable concurrent test executions on multiple devices. It shifts development, smoke, and user acceptance testing left, scaling exponentially with less resource-intensive virtual devices and increasing flexibility by freeing up real devices for more critical downstream testing. The result is a boost in CICD pipeline efficiency while expanding UI coverage.

Release and Deploy

Enhanced product insights and performance with DORA: Get a panoramic view of your DevOps landscape with the DORA Overview dashboard, enabling drill-down into team and app levels for precise performance insights. Integrate with favorite tools like Deploy , ArgoCD, and Git, streamlining workflow and optimizing DevOps processes.
Backstage integrations: Improve developer experience by simplifying app setup within CI/CD workflows, centralizing monitoring for release and deployment statuses, and quickly addressing issues with integrated insights for enhanced system reliability and continuous delivery support.
Platform engineering – enable self-service, automated DevOps: Enhance efficiency with workflow analytics, broader access to workflow automation in Digital.ai Integration Marketplace, and streamlined task orchestration via centralized Runner management and modern SDKs in Python 3 and GO.
Enhanced cloud-native deployment integrations: Boost efficiency with targeted deployment to Azure services, reduce errors with automation for Namespace management and Helm validations, and fortify security with OAuth2 integration and Azure CLI support for operational efficiency.
New govern release management templates: Introducing field accelerator content, or Release template examples, to streamline and govern the release process. Standardized templates automate deployment, ensuring precision and consistency while reducing errors and enabling frequent, reliable updates.

Stay Connected
The Erawan Release marks a significant leap forward with our next-generation intelligence capabilities, strategically utilizing AI to streamline software delivery workflows, elevate the developer experience, and optimize decision-making at every stage of the process.
With these advancements, we’re revolutionizing the way you build, secure, and enhance applications, enabling your innovation to thrive and your digital presence to leave a lasting impression.
To learn more about the Erawan Release’s newest features and offerings, check out our Erawan resources .
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