How To Create The Ultimate Garden Office & How It Can Benefit Your Mental Health In The Process

By Tony Higginson, Managing Director and co-founder of   Vivid Green
The concept of a garden office has evolved from a novelty to a functional workspace option for many professionals today. Creating a garden office requires thoughtful design, sustainable building practices, and an eye for detail. 
Here’s a guide on how to set up an effective garden office and the mental health benefits it offers.
Step 1: Designing your garden office
Choosing the right location
The placement of your garden office is critical. Select a spot in your garden that benefits from natural light but is also protected from direct sunlight to prevent glare. The orientation should consider sunlight at different times of the year for optimal natural lighting and temperature control.
Tailor the design
Design your office to fit seamlessly into your garden’s existing landscape. Using natural materials like wood harmonises with the outdoor environment but also offers good insulation properties. Your office should be well insulated and weatherproof to make it a comfortable space throughout the year.
Configurable layouts
Opt for a layout that maximises efficiency. Open-plan layouts can make small spaces feel larger and more welcoming, while large windows can enhance the connection to the outdoors, which is important for mental well-being (which we will touch on later!).
Step 2: Equipping your garden office
Furniture and ergonomics
Investing in ergonomic office furniture is essential for comfort and physical health. Choose adjustable desks and chairs to prevent strain during long hours of work and even a walking pad to get those steps in.
Technological integration
Ensure that your garden office is equipped with the necessary technology: robust internet connectivity, sufficient electrical outlets, and effective lighting are all crucial for a functional workspace.
Security measures
Security must be a consideration, given the separate location of a garden office. Install reliable locks and consider an alarm system or cameras to enhance security.
Step 3: Enhancing your environment
Incorporating nature
Incorporate design elements such as indoor plants or a small water feature to connect the indoors with the outdoor environment. Natural elements in your workspace can also help reduce stress and improve cognitive function.
Personalising your space
Add personal touches like artwork, family photos, or motivational quotes to make the space uniquely yours. A personalised space can boost your mood and productivity.
Can a garden office benefit your mental health? 
A garden office offers a physical and psychological separation between your work and personal life, which helps maintain a healthy work-life balance, as it helps mental decompression after work hours when you lock the door on it. The separation from domestic interruptions can also lead to more productive work sessions. 
The solitude of a garden office can also help to minimise distractions and boost concentration by being closer to nature. Studies have shown that natural views and green spaces can lower cortisol levels, enhancing feelings of calm and relaxation.
Creating a garden office is an investment for your professional productivity and personal well-being. By carefully considering the design, setup, and the natural benefits of being close to nature, you can create a space that not only serves your professional needs but also supports your mental health.
Tony Higginson, Managing Director and co-founder of Vivid Green
Tony Higginson is the managing director and co-founder of Vivid Green, a company that specialises in designing and constructing bespoke contemporary garden rooms, utilising the most thermally efficient and eco-friendly SIP building solutions. Manufactured in the UK, building on-site and delivering a turnkey solution, Vivid Green is the epitome of luxury garden rooms. 
The post How To Create The Ultimate Garden Office & How It Can Benefit Your Mental Health In The Process appeared first on Real Business .

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