Balance and Chaos

In this episode of Business Brain, we explore the importance of balancing chaos and routine in life. We discuss how alternating between periods of overload and downtime can keep life engaging and prevent monotony. By sharing personal anecdotes of busy schedules, hosting guests, and finding relaxation, we redefine retirement as a phase for new adventures and risks. We highlight the significance of chaos in creating lasting memories and narratives, encouraging listeners to share their own strategies for maintaining this balance. Embracing change, like trying out different sides of the bed, can introduce fresh perspectives. Our aim is to inspire others to welcome the unpredictability and vibrancy that chaos offers, fostering a journey of self-discovery and equilib

00:00:00 Business Brain – The Entrepreneurs’ Podcast #554 for Casual Friday, May 31st , 2024

May 31st: National Save Your Hearing Day

00:02:06 Talking directly to your customers, one-on-one…en masse
00:08:39 SPONSOR: Fastmail , the email provider who puts your privacy first. Visit to try free for 30 days and then 10% off your first year.
00:10:23 Balance and Chaos

“A rut is just a grave with two ends kicked out of it”
“Dance like nobody’s watching”

00:15:00 Retirement is the freedom to do what you really want
00:20:01 BB 554 Outtro

[email protected]
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LinkedIn: Shannon Jean , Dave Hamilton , & Business Brain
Facebook: Dave Hamilton , Shannon Jean , & Business Brain

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