Cybersecurity Must-Haves for Every Small Business

It’s a dangerous digital world out there – and a remarkable number of small businesses are under-protected, unprepared, and largely unconcerned about getting hit by a cyberattack. According to a recent Forbes article, a shocking 57% of small business owners believe their organizations won’t be victims in a cyberattack. But in reality, small businesses are a top target for hackers and account for at least 43% of all data breaches. The main reason for this is obvious. Many small business owners possess a false sense of security – and perhaps obscurity – when it comes to the prospect of cyberthreats, therefore they lack the security awareness, the strategy, and the necessary budget that could otherwise help protect their data and systems. But a lax safety posture doesn’t just threaten your small business, it can also pose a huge security risk to your customers once their credit card information, email addresses, social security information and other vital data are exposed and stolen by bad actors. Your weaknesses can also act as entry points that cybercriminals exploit to invade the larger companies you do business with like suppliers, insurance companies, and financial institutions.  So it is important to remember that while the cyber safety of your business is important, it also helps protect the people and organizations with whom you do business. 

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