Here’s what a 10,000-character Twitter Blue tweet looks like

Back in 2006, Twitter launched as a microblogging website, allowing users to post tweets up to 140 characters. This brevity was key to the platform’s success because it set Twitter apart from the long-form blogging platforms that were the norm of the day. And the short posts ensured users would consume more content from more creators.

The 140-character limit stuck around for over a decade before receiving a modest raise to 280 characters in 2017. But as of today, Elon Musk’s Twitter has now upped that limit again—if you’re a Twitter Blue subscriber, anyway.

That new limit? 10,000 characters.

The official @TwitterWrite made the 10,000-character announcement in a relatively short tweet, announcing that in addition to the insane amount of characters, Twitter Blue users can now also italicize and bold characters as well. (What, no option for Comic Sans?)

We’re making improvements to the writing and reading experience on Twitter! Starting today, Twitter now supports Tweets up to 10,000 characters in length, with bold and italic text formatting.Sign up for Twitter Blue to access these new features, and apply to enable… — Twitter Write (@TwitterWrite) April 14, 2023

If you’re wondering what a 10,000-character tweet looks like, check out the one below from Jane Manchun Wong. It’s as tedious and annoying as you’d think. Just scrolling through it as fast as possible takes minutes.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… — Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) April 14, 2023

As many people have pointed out, a 10,000-character limit on Twitter essentially turns the microblogging site into Medium, Subsstack, or WordPress. It destroys the original essence of the platform, which set it apart from other blogging sites.

Of course, many Twitter users took to Twitter to voice their unhappiness over the new character limit.

I’m not going to read long form text on Twitter. If I want long form text I’ll go somewhere that has editors on staff. 10,000 characters of unedited word mash. — Jim Teeth (@DrJamesJTeeth) April 14, 2023

Twitter has upped its posting limit for subscribers to 10,000 characters. That's approx 2,000 words. That's not a tweet, it's a screed. The whole beauty and utility of Twitter has always been its brevity. If you can't say it in 280 characters, then it's not worth saying here. — Gus Silber (@gussilber) April 14, 2023

If I want 10,000 characters… I'm using reddit — Auro D. Hikoshi (@CooroSnowFox) April 14, 2023

if i see you post a 10,000 character tweet i swear to god i’ll block you — paige (@contrabored) April 14, 2023

I’m blocking anyone who uses a 10,000 character post. Create a tumblr account ffs — UndedInside ???? (@UndedInside) April 14, 2023

And of course, the memes have already started… — Crystal Hope (@CrystalHope1979) April 14, 2023

The 10,000-character limit is available to Twitter Blue subscribers today. But based on the reaction on Twitter to the news, don’t expect many people to sit there and read through any of your tweets that are that long.