Myth Busters: Rethinking Hiring in the Modern Workplace

There are numerous notions we hold close – in our hearts and minds – about recruiting and hiring employees.

We often learn these things early in our career as a manager, HR professional or recruiter. In the professional equivalent of sitting around the campfire, we hear the scary stories and soak in “advice” from those who have come before us. But a significant portion of what we think is truth might, in fact, be a myth. An urban legend. Something made up to keep us all “in line” – just as this story was designed to scare us and prevent nefarious nighttime activities .  

Join me for this upcoming 30-minute Humareso   #TalentTalk webinar when I’ll deconstruct a few of the traditional views and most cherished principles and share some hot takes on job advertisements, candidate “quality,” and how we make hiring decisions.

 Myth Busters – Rethinking Hiring in the Modern Workplace

Thursday, February 15th at 1 PM ET – 1:30 PM ET

You can register  HERE . The post Myth Busters: Rethinking Hiring in the Modern Workplace first appeared on Robin Schooling .

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