update: my boss made us all attend a session with his therapist

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager .
It’s a special “where are you now?” season at Ask a Manager and I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past.
Remember the letter-writer whose boss made them all attend a session with his therapist ? Here’s the update.
I do have an update to this situation, which will probably shock no one: I got a new job. It was pretty clear that Bob’s behavior was part of some personal crisis, and while previously I was content to sit and wait out his ever-rotating business ideas, this one seemed more intense.
Like I said in my original letter, the job had some great perks despite the insanity, so I decided that I would begin to keep an eye out for jobs, but only if they were really spectacular. A few months after I wrote in, I saw a job posting for a position that had less flexibility but was a lot more prestigious and much more stable (it also came with a significant pay raise and better benefits!). I applied and got it, and everyone I’ve spoken with has since told me how lucky I am to have gotten the position. So I feel doubly lucky to have the new job and to have escaped my old one.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Bob did not take the news well. After getting emotional when I first told him, he came back with an aggressive counter offer, and once I told him my decision was final, he told me my last day would be in two weeks and then didn’t speak to me again until I called him to say goodbye on my last day. I spoke with some former coworkers, who tell me absolutely nothing has changed, so all in all I feel pretty good about where I ended up!
I know there were a lot of questions in the comments about the therapist specifically. To answer some, the “therapist by training” language was how he described himself, and Bob also emphasized that he was a great therapist and that we should all feel comfortable being open and honest with him. Both of them also referred to their individual sessions frequently throughout the talk and talked about Bob’s growth through them. I have not done any licensing search or reported the therapist because, quite honestly, I was more worried about getting myself out of there.
Thanks to you and the commenters, who all made me feel a lot less crazy for questioning the situation. Hopefully my new job never pushes me to write in again!
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