Mervyn Dinnen: The Impact of AI on HR

In HRchat episode 701 , we discuss the impact of AI on the HR function, the evolution of employee engagement, UNLEASH, and a whole bunch more.
My returning guest is Mervyn Dinnen a talent analyst, advising recruitment and HR technology businesses on the emerging trends impacting hiring, retention, and engagement. He is a writer and international speaker on recruitment and HR trends and an award-winning recruitment blogger. Prior to this, he spent 20 years as a recruitment and HR practitioner.
Mervyn is a top HR influencer and the author of Exceptional Talent: How to Attract, Acquire and Retain the Very Best Employees and the upcoming book, Digital Talent. He’s also the host of the popular HR Means Business podcast .

Questions for Mervyn include:

We met up at UNLEASH in Paris back in October. What is it about UNLEASH that you think is unique?
You recently gave a presentation entitled ‘ Is Retention the New Recruitment ?’ What were the main points you were making?
How do you see employee engagement evolving? What are your predictions for the next few years?
You’ve written about the need for organizations to adopt a Total Talent Thinking approach – what do you mean by this?
Do you think the increasing usage of AI within HR will lead to a form of ‘humanless human resources’?
How much of the HR function can be replaced? What can’t be augmented/replaced?

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The post Mervyn Dinnen: The Impact of AI on HR appeared first on The HR Gazette and HRchat Podcast .

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