Effective Training is the Key to the success of your HCM or WFM Implementation

Assembling a team for your HCM or WFM implementation project is just the beginning. Ensuring your team is fully trained and equipped to tackle the project is critical to its success. That’s why, at HRchitect , we believe in effective training and guidelines for all project team members. By investing in the right training, you can empower your team, instilling in them a sense of capability and confidence to overcome challenges and deliver results that exceed expectations.

Importance of Systems training

Without proper training, your team may not have the necessary skills to overcome the challenges that arise during implementation. Here’s why:

Effective System Utilization: Comprehensive training enables the project team to use the system effectively and reduce the time needed to address day-to-day tasks. This training will further empower the team members to fully explore their system’s features, functions and become champions of the new system.

Smooth Transition: Letting go of something you are used to is challenging, and this is something we see frequently. Appropriate training prepares the project team to transition to the new system. This minimizes resistance to change and helps the team ease into the new system and processes. Having training for your future system champions will also instill a sense of ownership and accountability toward their new platform.

Effective Testing: I believe testing is the most critical phase of any implementation project, and a well-trained project team is better prepared to thoroughly test the new system. A lack of skills can make this phase frustrating as it will take longer


Systems training is the basis of successful implementation projects, particularly for the project team. By following the guidelines outlined above, organizations can ensure effective system utilization, smooth transitions, increased ownership and accountability, and thorough testing. Neglecting systems training can lead to low system adoption, increased errors and inefficiencies, and limited system ownership. Therefore, organizations must prioritize training their project team as a fundamental part of their implementation strategy. This ensures their team members are well-equipped to navigate the challenges of implementing a new system.

Contact us today to find out how we can ensure your HCM or WFM Implementation is a success. With 27 years of experience, exclusively in the HCM space, there is no better partner than HRchitect.

About the Author

It’s your favorite implementation manager, Sia! I hope you found my blog about the importance of systems training of value. I have been in the software implementation space for many years now. With experience in many industries, including hospitality, healthcare, finance, and automotive. I have a master’s in chemical engineering from Queen’s University, which might seem irrelevant (I think so, too), but believe it or not, in many ways this has helped me to be a better implementation manager. Outside of work, I aspire to be a kickboxing fighter and a rock singer, neither of which I’m good at, but I try!

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