Philine Cremer on gender diversity in leadership

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Philine Cremers’ insights on the evolving role of leaders, emphasizing inclusivity

Oksana Lavri Future work expert 4. June 2024 4 min read

Table of contents

Leadership and career journey

How do you view the importance of gender balance and diversity, especially within leadership positions?
What unique challenges and opportunities do you foresee for the next generation of leaders?
How have you built and sustained your confidence in a leadership role within the business?
Considering your recent experiences, what is one significant insight you’ve gained recently that you might not have believed before?
Gender equity seems to hold value in businesses. What advice do you give other business owners/leaders to maintain this principle within their companies?

Reflections on the past, future trends, and mentorship

Can you share any mistakes you’ve encountered in your professional journey?
What criteria do you consider when hiring for senior roles within your business, especially concerning gender diversity? What aspects of your business do you believe attract top talent?
What would constitute a successful hire for you in a year? What milestones would signify that the individual has made a significant impact?

Meet Philine Cremer , Partner at Searchery GmbH, executive & professional search, assessments, talent & leadership advisory. Throughout her career, Philine has had the privilege of working for large multinational companies in the industrial sector, engaging in international projects, and contributing to major transformation initiatives. Her experience spans the pharmaceutical, life sciences, chemical, and engineering industries, offering valuable insights into diverse business practices and challenges. Beyond her corporate journey, she embraced entrepreneurship by founding her first company in 2011 and co-founding Searchery in 2021. Searchery advises multinational companies on future-proof staffing for leadership positions and strategic personnel planning and development, recognizing the need for transformation and innovation in leadership.
Philine’s experiences in a less diverse engineering environment led her to co-find the Female & Fierce Club in 2018, a network of over 150 female leaders. This initiative highlights the significant need to increase gender diversity and create permeable career paths for women. Searchery creates a society where economic success is attainable regardless of gender through female recruiting and individualized career support. Below, we’ll discuss some questions related to leadership and career journey and reflections on past and future trends and mentorship.

Leadership and career journey
In this discussion block, Philine Cremer discussed the importance of gender balance and diversity in leadership positions and highlighted the significant business benefits they bring, such as increased innovation, creativity, and better decision-making. She explored the challenges and opportunities that await the next generation of leaders in the evolving, interconnected digital workplace. The dialogue also provides personal insight into how to build confidence as a leader through commitment to mission, continuous learning, and creating a safe and supportive environment for employees.

Q: How do you view the importance of gender balance and diversity, especially within leadership positions?
Gender balance and diversity in leadership are paramount. A large body of academic research proves the significant business benefits of diverse leadership teams. Diverse leadership teams are known to improve business performance through increased innovation, creativity, and effective decision-making.

Embracing diversity makes a company more attractive to potential employees and allows it to explore the market’s full potential. Diversity is part of the ESG objectives of investors, customers, suppliers, and partners. Meeting these targets can be a competitive advantage.

Beyond these business implications, I would personally emphasize equal career opportunities and social equality as the most important goal.

Q: What unique challenges and opportunities do you foresee for the next generation of leaders?
The next generation of leaders faces the dual challenge of fostering greater inclusivity at the corporate level and navigating societal conditions.

Despite progress, the pace of change needs to be increased. We should accelerate to shape a better tomorrow for the next generation.

The opportunity for future leaders clearly lies in an interconnected international working environment and a strong digital foundation.

This is shifting the parameters of mobility, working hours, and effectiveness. This is where the true potential lies. So, for me, “we can do better” means leveraging our potential to shape a new workplace with revised work ethics and standards.

Q: How have you built and sustained your confidence in a leadership role within the business?
My confidence as a leader comes from a strong belief in our mission and a commitment to listening to our customers.

This belief is a prerequisite for personal and professional growth as a leader. One should be humble and willing to learn from mistakes to sustain them.

I don’t follow any leadership style or management technique just because it is trendy.

I believe in psychological insights into human behavior and needs and a realistic view of what your employees are capable of and what they need to develop their full potential.
I firmly believe that one of the most critical leadership tasks today is creating a safe space and a manageable cosmos for our employees.

Q: Considering your recent experiences, what is one significant insight you’ve gained recently that you might not have believed before?
The adaptability shown during the pandemic was a revelation, demonstrating our collective ability to change under pressure. This period of accelerated change has reinforced my belief in our ability to innovate and adapt to new challenges.

Q: Gender equity seems to hold value in businesses. What advice do you give other business owners/leaders to maintain this principle within their companies?
I advise other business leaders to cultivate an inclusive environment supporting gender equality.

Setting ambitious goals and working diligently towards them is critical for fostering a culture that values diversity.

It includes implementing concrete actions and changing processes and behaviors to support these goals. Deconstructive and obstructive behaviors that demean these efforts should not be tolerated.

Reflections on the past, future trends, and mentorship
See what lessons Philine Cremer learned from past professional experiences, emphasizing the importance of self-belief and strategic communication. She highlighted the role of gender diversity in hiring practices, particularly the impact of fostering an inclusive culture that empowers women leaders. Consider the criteria for a successful hire, focusing on tangible results, cultural fit, and the individual’s ability to impact the work environment positively.

Q: Can you share any mistakes you’ve encountered in your professional journey?
Looking back, I realize that I underestimated my ability to influence and persuade.

A stronger belief in my convictions and capabilities could have increased my impact, particularly in leveraging communication for greater effect.

In addition, I’ve observed a disparity in how male and female leaders use their networks.

Female leaders often miss opportunities to benefit themselves and others through strategic networking.

Q: When hiring for senior roles within your business, what specific criteria do you consider, especially concerning gender diversity? What aspects of your business do you believe attract top talent?
At Searchery, our commitment to gender diversity is unwavering. We have a strong track record in placing female talents, advocating for clear intentions, and, where necessary, implementing quotas to ensure gender-diverse hiring.
The success of our female hires is a testament to the inclusive culture we foster, allowing them to realize their potential fully.

This commitment to gender diversity is not just a box to check but a fundamental aspect of our business that attracts top talent.

Q: What would constitute a successful hire for you in a year? What milestones would signify that the individual has made a significant impact?
A new hire’s success is measured by tangible results and the individual’s impact on our team and culture.

Tangible results are hygiene factors, such as meeting financial targets or bringing in new clients.
The ability of a single individual to shape the workplace atmosphere and increase productivity is remarkable.

It’s a testament to the importance of personality and cultural fit in hiring. Satisfaction reports and productivity KPIs are often available, and a few interviews can provide valuable insights into the impact that’s been made.

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