Free Webinar: The Business Benefits Of Employee Happiness

I think we all know that happy companies get better results but why exactly is that? Let’s look at the research and figure that out. The answer may not be what you think and it may change depending on the culture, the industry or the specific situation of the company.
Knowing exactly why happiness at work will boost your company’s results is crucial because that knowledge will motivate leadership to do something to make employees happier and keep them committed to the process.
Join this FREE webinar and learn all about:

Exactly how happy employees boost the bottom line according to studies
How to calculate the specific benefits for your organization
How to use this knowledge to convince leadership in your organization

We’re going to keep the whole thing short, useful and fun and be done in just 30 minutes!
Date:  Thursday April 11, 2024
Time:  15.30 CET / 2:30pm GMT / 9:30am ET
Read more and sign up here .

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