35 Best Jaw-Dropping Welcome Back To The Office Gifts In 2024

A change of scenery is never easy even if you’re coming back to a familiar place. What can help employees and coworkers feel excited to come back to the office?
A welcome back gift!

As it turns out, the fear of missing out (FOMO) on updates, information, and team building moments is already beginning to impact the desire to return to work.
Not to mention, the rise of the hybrid work model has made many remote employees spend at least a portion of their week in the office. According to a 2023 study , 71% of US employers now operate a hybrid workplace.
Whether they are returning from a remote role, vacation, maternity or paternity leave, or whichever reason — rewarding your employee with a token of appreciation is a welcomed surprise.
Make your employee’s day by selecting a top-notch welcome back gift they can open right at their desk!

Are you looking for anything in particular?
Jump to the section for a deeper dive into back to work gifts for any occasion:

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