Skills vs Abilities in the Workplace

Modern-day workplaces are facing many challenges that were not foreseeable a few years ago. The demand for remote work instead of in-office, reduced confidence level due to layoffs (especially in the tech sector), increased use of AI leading to job security fears, and a higher willingness to start a business or enter the freelancing field than a regular job are some of the new challenges. In such times, HR managers have to be at their best in developing and retaining employees.
The terms abilities and skills are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. HR managers have to assess, promote, and build skills and abilities in employees. They need to understand the difference between ability and skill. Picking up gaps in skills enables them to offer them the right training, customize the onboarding process , come up with innovative employee engagement ideas,  and more.
When they understand abilities, they can harness the strengths of individual employees. This article will provide an in-depth explanation of the difference between ability and skill. It will also give ideas on how to keep employees engaged in the workplace by using their abilities and skills.