27 Great Ideas for Employee Recognition | HR Cloud

Everyone appreciates being praised for their efforts in the workplace. In fact, recognition is the most important motivator for 37% of employees, according to a survey from Great Place to Work . Not only does employee recognition show that management cares about staff members, this personal attention can also lead to a greater degree of loyalty and higher retention rates. 
Quick Overview

What is employee recognition vs. appreciation? Employee recognition acknowledges specific achievements and contributions, while employee appreciation expresses gratitude for an individual’s overall value and effort within the organization.
What are the benefits of employee recognition? Employee recognition boosts morale, increases engagement, enhances productivity, and fosters loyalty.
What should employees be recognized for? Employees should be recognized for achievements, exemplary performance, positive behavior, teamwork, and significant contributions that align with and further the organization's goals and values.
What is the best way to recognize employees? The best way to recognize employees is by providing timely, specific, and sincere acknowledgment of their hard work, in a manner that’s meaningful to them.

From promotions and raises to employee care packages, here are some ideas for employee appreciation to help boost morale at work and show your team that their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. 
Psst! Don’t forget to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day !

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