8 Amazing Things Our Employees Did During The WorkTango-Wide Summer Break

At WorkTango, we believe that a company’s success is inherently tied to the well-being and happiness of its employees. Recognizing this, we have implemented a unique approach to supporting our employees’ work-life harmony. In addition to unlimited paid time off (PTO), we also proudly offer two company-wide weeks off each year – where everyone from our CEO to our newest employees are all on vacation at the same time. 
These company-wide weeks off ensure that all employees have the opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate without hesitation – and can return to relatively normal email inboxes instead of being snowed under a thousand emails. We recognize that when our employees are well-rested, healthy, and fulfilled in their personal lives, they bring their best selves to work. Our summer break occurs in July, and our winter break occurs in December.

Our 2023 summer break concluded in early July, and it brought us immense joy to see what our team got up to over the break. Whether they explored new horizons, reconnected with loved ones, pursued passions, or hung out at home to relax and recharge, Tangoneers definitely made the most of the time off. Join us as we give you a glimpse into some of the varied experiences our employees enjoyed during their well-deserved breaks.

1. A Wild Adventure in NOLA
One Tangoneer got to go to New Orleans with her daughter! They went to the zoo, the aquarium, insectarium, and did some awesome shopping – and even saw talking birds.
2. Catching Waves and Making Memories

This Tangoneer had some fun in the sun on Lake Travis in Texas during his summer break. He learned how to wake surf!

3. Staying Rooted in Nature
Redwood National Park is home to the tallest trees in the world. This Tangoneer got to camp there and explore the beautiful area over her break!

4. Brushing Up the Office
This Tangoneer spent her break rejuvenating her office space. She even hand-painted some incredible art on her wall!

5. A Seaside Stitch-venture
What a beautiful day it was at the beach in Lower Darnley for this Tangoneer! She got to knit and hang out with friends. She also got to visit the beautiful Cape Bear Lighthouse.

6. Taking Flight in Style
This Tangoneer and her husband saved enough airline miles to upgrade their seats to business class on the way to Italy to visit family. How luxurious!

7. Venturing Beneath Earth’s Surface
Check out this awesome cavern! This Tangoneer and his family got to explore a massive cave during the summer break.

8. Exploring Europe
This Tangoneer and his family traveled to the Netherlands, Munich, Salzburg, Graz, Berlin, and Holland. What a fun – and ambitious – experience!

Promoting work-life harmony by creating opportunities for much-needed breaks enables our employees to recharge, avoid burnout, and maintain their productivity. Taking care of our employees’ well-being not only contributes to their happiness, but also fuels our collective success and sense of innovation.
Breaks aside, we’re now back in the office and are more ready than ever to make (work) lives better and continue to help our customers elevate their employee experience!
The post 8 Amazing Things Our Employees Did During The WorkTango-Wide Summer Break appeared first on WorkTango .

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