The Case for AI Governance in One Image

Imagine driving at night down a narrow, gravel mountain road. It’s pitch black and foggy. You can’t see more than a few feet in front of your car. You know there are steep cliffs to one side of the road and the constant threat of sliding off at any moment. 

In these challenging conditions, driving slowly and cautiously is a must because you can’t predict the dangers ahead. A sharp turn? A patch of ice? Another car?  

Now, imagine that gravel path is a well-paved highway. Clearly marked lanes and signs indicate speed limits and upcoming turns. Guardrails are on either side of the road, and warnings about upcoming turns or icy patches are in place. 

These signs, markers, and features are like governance frameworks within an AI implementation—as the image below demonstrates. They guide, set boundaries, and provide warnings about potential risks.  


Implementing AI with little-to-no governance vs robust governance


On a road like this, you can drive faster and more confidently because you have visibility and knowledge of what lies ahead. Similarly, with a robust governance program , you can move forward more efficiently and safely. You can anticipate risks, comply with regulations, and adapt to changes more smoothly.  

Some people believe that governance hinders growth and slows progress. However, effective governance is actually the key to empowering your organization to adopt new technology faster than your competitors. And you’re doing it in a safe way that proactively mitigates risks.  


Your resource guide to AI governance 

Governing AI in your company can feel daunting, but it’s the best way you can work confidently, safely, and productively with AI. At Domo, governance is our bread and butter—and we’ve selected a few resources to help you learn more. 

Watch the replay of AI Insights: Implementing AI Safely & Effectively —part 2 of our summer 2024 AI series.  

Sign up for part 3 of the series, LLMs: Considerations When Choosing an LLM , happening on June 18, 2024 at 1:00pm MT. 

Check out our AI Readiness Guide , posted on our Community Forums. It’s a checklist for priming your data sets to be ready for any AI use case.   The post The Case for AI Governance in One Image first appeared on Blog .

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