Promilo Launches Revolutionary 'Pay for Performance' Model in Advertising

Promilo has emerged as a game-changer in the space of the advertising industry, bringing forth a  revolution in the way market players address the needs of B2B and B2C businesses. Incepted in 2021, the company aims to become a beacon of ingenuity, invention, and transformation that is rooted in revolutionising functionality instead of adhering to industry norms. 
With market disruptions at its core, Promilo is poised to carve a path towards the ‘Pay for Performance' model and, behind the counter, the ‘Pay for Visibility’ model. Committed to becoming the next marketing superpower, Promilo not only aligns with the present but also endeavours to set the future.
Although the Indian advertising industry reached INR 743.0 billion in 2022, it continues to pack opportunities for growth, in tandem with which Promilo’s cutting-edge features have allowed the platform to establish an indelible mark, laying the foundations for a future where products not only follow trends but in fact set the same. With its foundation rooted in a visionary concept garnered to help businesses overcome challenges in finance, technology, and marketing, Promilo steps as a cloud-based aggregator platform, empowering MSMEs to engage with prospective customers by rescuing them from the marketing labyrinth.
Business Initiation
Based out of Bangalore and born out of a revolutionary vision, Promilo has undoubtedly emerged as a pioneering cloud-based B2B and B2C sales appointment aggregator company, helping other companies reach their audience at zero marketing cost. Standing as an unparalleled leader in the marketing and advertising industrial landscape, Promilo has successfully penetrated into the lives of the Gen-Z populace, offering them solutions that anticipate their diverse needs even before their emergence. 
Accelerating its venture, the platform secured Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) funding from the UK, contributing to a total fundraising achievement of INR 2.5 crore. This substantial financial backing has been instrumental in helping Promilo expand its network, which currently comprises 25 exceptional members who are adept at the art of optimisation in order to navigate the intricate tapestry of this well-knit market successfully. 
Business Model 
Witnessing the challenges dominating the current market ecosystem, Promilo emerges as the master of innovation by bringing to the table a stand-alone business dynamic that is characterised by aiding diverse businesses to climb up the ladder of market channels. Equipped with B2B and B2C-centric cloud solutions, it enables enterprises to interact with potential customers without incurring any marketing expenses.   
Furthermore, devoted to becoming a disruptive force, Promilo has augmented the first of its kind, the ‘Pay for Result’ approach, particularly for advertisers, which helps enterprises achieve impressionable results at nominal costs. Breaking the conventional ‘Pay for Reach’ model, with this dynamic approach, Promilo has provided MSMEs with the impetus to employ marketing channels that demand pay after the accomplishment of tangible outcomes. 
Distinguishing Catalyst
Although the growing reliance on digital platforms and the increasing focus on performance-based models have created fertile ground for Promilo’s unique Pay for Performance approach, the company has also fostered innovative solutions to address the urgent needs of education, recruitment, and meet-up markets. 
In the realm of education, institutions are actively seeking cost-effective ways to connect with prospective students directly. Promilo’s model aligns perfectly as it provides a platform where colleges and universities can engage with their target audience at zero cost and redefine the dynamics of student acquisition in the education industry.
Penetrating deep into the recruitment segment, marked by the rising demand for optimised recruitment processes and the prospect of unlimited candidate sourcing without incurring.
marketing costs, Promilo’s Pay for Results model emerged as an unmatched fit. By charging only for
successfully interviewed candidates, the company has positioned itself as a cost-effective and efficient alternative in the recruitment landscape.
Additionally, Promlio’s disruptive force has countered the meet-up industry’s conventional subscription-based models for celebrities and influencers, delivering them with a cost-effective
free avenue and a unique revenue generation model for celebrities. By opening up new
possibilities that delve beyond traditional branding opportunities, Promilo has established an unwavering presence in the rapidly evolving business landscape. 
Business Growth and Future Prospects 
Promilo undertook strategic steps with accelerated efforts of its dedicated Sales Team
to redesign its product range. With relentless efforts in the redesign and development of its product, the company has developed an innovative solution and is actively reaching out to the market. This transition underscores its commitment to delivering a refined and groundbreaking offering to meet the evolving needs of its audience.
Driven by the anticipation of exponential growth, Promilo is targeting a staggering 50X increase in the current financial year. To fuel this ambitious expansion, the platform is actively engaging with VCs, private equity firms, family houses, and high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) with the goal of securing a significant investment of INR 7 crore. With this infusion of funds, Promlio plans to scale up its
business, facilitating exponential growth across key areas such as team augmentation,
product enhancement, and research and development initiatives.
By the close of 2024, Promilo plans to onboard approximately 4000 colleges, 4500 companies,
and engage around 2 million users. Furthermore, in the imminent future, the company's long-term vision is to evolve into the ultimate Super App for the Gen Z demographic, which is poised to meet 
and exceed the Gen Z populace’s diverse needs, making Promilo a central hub for this dynamic generation.
Spokesperson Profile
Ritesh is a veteran in his field, possessing 18 years of profound experience in the realms of enterprise sales and marketing, SaaS platforms, strategic management, business development, operations, product development, and team management. Being a serial entrepreneur, Promilo marks his third startup venture, with which he endeavours to transform the intricacies of the marketing and advertising periphery. 
Backed by his visionary mind, Promilo redefines the boundaries of advertising and is geared to become India’s pioneering SaaS cloud-based B2B and B2C sales appointment generation company. His expertise in client relationship management has helped in ensuring customer satisfaction and
retention, along with influential people management. His unwavering resilience has made him adept at navigating various industries, from education, recruitment, and SaaS enterprises to advertising. 
Prior to his entrepreneurial stint, he served at both start-up companies and Fortune 500 companies, namely,,, NAKS, Get-hyphen-USA, K2 Learning, and many more. In his professional journey, he has successfully managed a team of up to 120 people, which gave him the requisite skills such as strategic planning, team management, communication mastery, and others to start his entrepreneurial venture.
In the coming years, he envisions making Promilo a trailblazer in the industry, setting new standards
for innovation and excellence. Committed to expanding its reach globally, he aims to solidify the company's position as a leader in the market, with a strong emphasis on sustainable growth and positive impact. Additionally, he is an IIM-Kozhikode alumni and possesses a Master in Digital Marketing (V-skill and SAP Business One Consultant.

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