Essential Skills Every Successful Community Manager Needs

What is a community manager? A community manager builds, maintains, and nurtures a brand’s online community. They connect with followers and create engagement that aligns with the brand’s vision. In today’s digital world, their role is crucial for turning casual interactions into lasting relationships. This article explores the key skills and responsibilities of a successful community manager.

Key Takeaways

Community managers are essential in connecting brands with their audience through engagement and social media strategy, acting as the voice and ears of the company.

Key responsibilities of a community manager include responding to comments, creating engaging content, aligning campaigns with marketing strategies, and fostering a vibrant community.

Important skills for community managers include strong communication, problem-solving abilities, empathy, and emotional intelligence, with tools like Sprout Social and Brand24 aiding in their tasks.


In the digital age, the power of community cannot be overstated. Online community managers are the architects of these digital landscapes, where meaningful conversations turn casual followers into brand advocates. The community manager role is tasked with the vital responsibility of ensuring that every tweet, post, and interaction contributes to a cohesive brand narrative, as community managers maintain and nurture the brand’s community—both online and offline.

These professionals, known as social media managers, are more than just social media buffs; they are the linchpins in a company’s marketing strategy, adept at creating relationships that extend beyond the screen. By encouraging brand mentions and fostering a sense of belonging, they help shape a brand’s image in the public eye. Whether they’re responding to comments or crafting impactful campaigns, their contributions echo across the business, underscoring the importance of their role in driving success.

What Does a Community Manager Do?

Imagine being the bridge that connects a brand to its audience. That’s the essence of what community managers do. They engage with community members across various platforms, fostering a digital ecosystem that reflects the brand’s values and vision. From crafting messages that resonate with followers to encouraging customers to share their love for the brand, these professionals are the voice and the ears of the companies they represent.

However, the community manager job description is not one-size-fits-all. The role can vary widely, with some professionals focusing more on social media management while others delve into content creation or data analysis. Essentially, they wear many hats, each tailored to the unique needs of the brand they serve. It’s a role that requires versatility, as they shift from being a social media community manager to a social media strategist or even a digital community builder.

Key Responsibilities of a Community Manager

Community managers juggle a variety of community manager responsibilities, each critical to maintaining the brand’s online presence and ensuring the community thrives. Some of their key responsibilities include:

Responding to comments

Creating content that resonates with their audience

Aligning social media and communication campaigns with the company’s marketing strategies

Contributing to the overall vibrancy and engagement within the community

Their role is indispensable in maintaining a strong online community.

Daily Tasks

Every day, community managers tune into the heartbeat of the brand’s digital presence. Their day-to-day responsibilities involve:

Monitoring feedback

Managing social media accounts

Ensuring that the brand’s voice remains consistent across all platforms

Engaging in conversations with followers, fostering relationships that can transform a casual browser into a dedicated brand evangelist.

The emotional intelligence to navigate the digital community’s highs and lows is part of the job. Whether celebrating a positive review or addressing a customer’s concern, community managers add a human touch to the brand, creating a space where followers feel heard and valued. This dedication to maintaining a brand presence is essential for keeping the audience engaged and aware of the brand’s activities and ethos.

Strategic Planning

Beyond the daily engagement, community managers are strategists at heart. They must possess a business mindset to ensure that community activities not only resonate with members but also align with the broader business objectives. It’s about finding the synergy between what the community wants and what the brand needs to achieve.

Innovation is at the core of strategic planning. Successful community managers are not afraid to experiment with new strategies, always seeking ways to enhance the community experience and drive measurable results. This could mean exploring new social media platforms, tweaking communication campaigns, or introducing fresh content ideas that captivate the community’s interest.

Event Coordination

Event coordination is another facet of the community manager’s multifaceted role. From virtual hangouts to exclusive content releases, community managers design events and initiatives that spark excitement and deepen engagement. These activities are not just about entertainment; they’re strategic moves that can enhance the community’s cohesion and loyalty to the brand.

By organizing events, community managers create memorable experiences that resonate with community members. Whether it’s a product launch or an ambassador program, these events serve as catalysts for engagement, conversation, and ultimately, a stronger connection with the brand.

Essential Skills for Community Managers

To excel as a community manager, one must master a suite of essential skills. From impeccable communication to astute problem-solving abilities, these skills enable community managers to navigate the complexities of online communities with grace and effectiveness.

Empathy, digital savviness, and adaptability are also part of the skill set, allowing them to connect with community members authentically and stay ahead of the ever-evolving social media landscape.

Communication Skills

Communication is the cornerstone of community management. Whether writing engaging posts or responding to comments, community managers must have a way with words that can both inform and inspire. These communication skills are not just about broadcasting messages; they’re about creating dialogues, understanding the nuances of digital conversations, and driving meaningful interactions within the community.

Internal communication is equally crucial. Community managers often act as liaisons between the community and the company, translating social media insights into actionable strategies for the marketing team. They must be adept at using social listening tools to capture the sentiments of the community and convey this information to stakeholders in a way that informs broader business decisions.

Problem-Solving Abilities

A community manager’s day can be unpredictable, and problem-solving abilities are essential for managing conflicts and challenges that arise. Patience and a keen understanding of customer perspectives are invaluable when navigating sensitive situations and ensuring that each member feels valued and supported.

Those with a background in customer support will find their skills directly transferable to community management. The ability to quickly identify issues, propose solutions, and implement them effectively is crucial in maintaining a healthy and vibrant community. This makes them a successful community manager.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Empathy and emotional intelligence are the soft skills that can make a community manager truly stand out. By understanding and caring for community members on a personal level, managers can foster a sense of safety and trust that is fundamental to a thriving community. It’s about going beyond transactions and cultivating relationships that resonate with the human experience of each member.

Leadership in community management is about:

Putting people first

Listening to the community’s needs

Addressing concerns with compassion

Creating an inclusive environment where every voice is heard and valued

These qualities not only help in building strong community ties but also in elevating the overall brand experience for members.

Community Manager Tools and Programs

To keep the community wheels turning smoothly, community managers rely on a toolbox of specialized programs and platforms. Some of these tools include:

Sprout Social: This tool streamlines the management of social media accounts, making it easier to schedule posts, engage with followers, and monitor brand mentions.

Tweetdeck: This tool also helps with social media management, allowing users to schedule tweets, monitor hashtags, and engage with followers.

Brand24: This tool is focused on reputation management and offers a suite of features that help in tracking online conversations and responding in real-time.

These community management tools are essential for community managers to effectively manage and engage with their communities, as well as collaborate with other community managers.

Advanced tools such as and NapoleonCat not only help with engagement but also provide deep insights into community performance and competitor analysis. Meanwhile, Grytics and Taggbox are tailored for niche aspects like Facebook Group management and user-generated content curation, respectively, empowering community managers to leverage the full potential of their communities.

How to Become a Community Manager

Becoming a community manager is a journey of continuous learning and growth. It starts with gaining experience and extends to education and professional development. As you navigate this path, remember that each step is an opportunity to hone the skills and relationships that are central to a successful career in community management.

Education Requirements

A solid educational foundation is often the stepping stone to a career as a community manager. A Bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, communications, or a related field is commonly sought after by employers. For those aiming for higher-level roles, a Master’s degree in business or a related field can be an asset.

However, education isn’t just about degrees. Courses in psychology, for instance, can provide insight into the dynamics of community building and engagement. Certifications in social media management or community management can also bolster your credentials and demonstrate your commitment to the profession.

Gaining Experience

Starting in an internship or entry-level role is a practical way to immerse yourself in the field of community management. Whether it’s with a marketing firm, public relations agency, or directly managing online communities for small businesses, these experiences lay the groundwork for a deeper understanding of the role.

Networking is another critical component of gaining experience. Building a professional network can open doors to mentorship and job opportunities that might not be available through traditional job postings. Seek out those who are already successful community managers and learn from their experiences to accelerate your own career trajectory.

Career Advancement

The community management career ladder is diverse, with opportunities to grow into community management roles such as Director of Community or Chief Community Officer, including the community manager position. Acquiring skills in leadership, project management, and strategy can pave the way for these advancements.

Being proactive is key. Look for ways to expand the community program, take on projects that impact other teams, and demonstrate the value you bring to the organization. These actions not only showcase your ability but also your dedication to the community and the brand.

Measuring Success in Community Management

How do you measure the impact of a community manager? It goes beyond likes and shares. Successful community management is about cultivating relationships, sparking brand mentions, and aligning with the brand’s social media goals. By analyzing engagement metrics and patterns in user-generated content, community managers can gauge the health and vitality of their digital communities.

Measuring success also involves looking at the community’s impact on business goals. Metrics such as:

customer acquisition

support query deflection



are critical for understanding the community’s contribution to the company’s bottom line. Additionally, tracking media mentions and search queries related to community-shared concepts can offer insights into the brand-building impact of the community.

Community Manager Salary and Job Outlook

The rewards of being a community manager are not just in the impact you make but also in the compensation you receive. Entry-level community managers in the United States can typically expect to earn an annual salary ranging from $41,000 to $65,000. These figures may vary depending on the specific location and company. On the other hand, the average salary in countries like the Netherlands is around €3,127 per month, with additional compensation around €250 per month.

The job outlook for community managers is promising, with an expected employment growth of 12% between 2021 and 2031. This growth is indicative of the increasing importance of community management in the digital world, offering numerous job opportunities for those ready to dive into this dynamic field.


In conclusion, community managers play a pivotal role in shaping the digital landscapes where brands and audiences connect. Equipped with the right skills, tools, and experience, they can foster vibrant communities that drive brand loyalty and business success. If you’re passionate about building relationships and creating engaging experiences, a career in community management might just be your calling.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a community manager and a social media manager?

A community manager focuses on building and nurturing relationships within a brand’s community, while a social media manager focuses on creating content and executing social media strategies. Both roles play key parts in engaging and connecting with the audience.

Can I become a community manager without a degree?

Yes, you can become a community manager without a degree by gaining relevant experience through internships, entry-level roles, and managing communities for non-profits or local groups.

What tools do community managers use?

Community managers use tools like Sprout Social, Tweetdeck, Brand24, and other specialized platforms for social media management, listening, analytics, and content curation. These tools help them effectively engage with their community and analyze their performance.

How can I measure the success of a community manager?

You can measure the success of a community manager by analyzing engagement metrics, the health of the community, impact on business goals such as customer acquisition and retention, and the brand-building impact. This will provide a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness.

What’s the job outlook for community managers?

The job outlook for community managers is positive, with a 12% employment growth expected between 2021 and 2031, reflecting the increasing value of community management in the digital age.

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