Taking notice: Class action workshop starts soon

Taking notice: Class action workshop starts soon


October 29, 2019 | 7:51AM

Taking notice: Class action workshop starts soon


Lesley Fair

They’re called “notices,” but do consumers really notice them? Convening at 9:00 Eastern Time this morning, October 29th, Consumers and Class Action Notices: An FTC Workshop will take a closer look at what the research – including a recent FTC staff report – tells us about class action notices, refund methods, claims rates, and related issues. Panelists represent a wide range of perspectives, including consumer groups, class action administrators, and attorneys on both the plaintiff and defense side. You can watch the webcast from a link that will go live minutes before the start time. We’ll also keep the public record open until November 22, 2019, so you can file comments on today’s discussion topics.

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