Free Online Talk: Why Perks Don’t Work

How do you create a happy workplace?
For too many workplaces, the answer to that question begins and ends with perks . The list of possible perks that I have seen workplaces offer is nearly endless with things like gyms, massages, snacks, team events, nap pods, pizza parties, team building events, discount deals and yoga classes.
These things can cost a lot of money and take a lot of time to organize so it really is a shame that they do not work . At all!
In fact, when companies get them wrong, they often backfire and make employees less happy and motivated.
In this free online talk I will talk about:

Why most perks are doomed to fail from the outset
How perks sometimes backfire and make things worse
Why companies are so focused on them even though they don’t work
How to tell if your workplace’s perks are worth it
How to design perks that actually impact employees positively

Here are the details:
Date: Wednesday April 26,
Time: 3pm (CET) / 9am (ET)
Duration: 30 minutes.
Sign up below – it’s FREE :)
Don’t worry if you can’t make it at that time. Sign up anyway and we will send you the recording afterwards.


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